Overcoming Postpartum Anxiety/Depression

Journal prompts for mothers and non-binary gestational parents

Throughout my journey with postpartum anxiety/depression, I was searching for helpful tools to help manage my anxiety and get back to myself. During my search, I found endless blogs and books discussing tips for general anxiety proclaiming that exercise and healthy eating would be the key for my success. Even though, these are very helpful coping skills for many people (including myself). At this time, I was finding it hard to even feed myself. The idea of eating “healthy” felt paralyzing and exercise?! You mean, there is life where I get to leave home? This led to an infinite amount of research that only made me feel more helpless than before.

After navigating through the extreme postpartum anxiety and making it on the other side of the mountain, I felt I needed to create something for others who were struggling with the same debilitating anxiety that I was.  Alas, the mindfulness journal: A Letter To My Children A Guided Journal for Moms was born. 

I have decided to share some of the pages of the book here, in hopes that it will end up in the hands of someone who needs it. Feel free to share and utilize however needed. I hope it brings the hope that I was searching for during my PPA period. 

You can find the  free PDF here of the first 9 pages. To purchase the full edition, click here.


Finding Safety


You are worth boundaries, too!